The very thought of getting on the phone with a stranger to persuade them to sign up or to buy something is intimidating for most people.

Everybody hates cold calling.

Except those of us who use it to generate millions of dollars in actual sales.

Today many people will tell you that marketing has shifted to online and social media marketing.

And for the most part that is true.

But for those who are looking to grow their business and gain more leads …

Cold calling could be  better than trying to stand out from the busy online crowd

Most entrepreneurs and small business owners don’t have the substantial online marketing budget for flashy ads.

Or to get that farther reach over the competition.

But don’t let your inability to play in the big league discourage you.

You have the option to use cold calling to generate new leads that will bring in new customers.

The truth is no matter how Ninja the copywriting is on your sales pages, having an actual conversation over the phone will always trump anything you can do online.

Especially when it comes to selling premium products and services.

Even if you worry that you suck at cold calling.

Almost everyone does in the beginning.

But, with practice, you will learn how to handle objections.

And over time these phone calls will make you better at attracting new prospects and closing the sale.


Yes, make your script your best friend.

It will help to keep you on track.

By learning how to weave your script into your conversation in a natural way, you won’t sound like a robot.

Believe me, I’ve done it for years.

Don’t ever make the mistake of thinking you can wing it.

Not knowing what to say when confronted with a curveball from your prospect is a sure recipe for disaster.

You’ve got to be prepared.

The best script is one that addresses upfront all the objections you are likely to come across in your line of business.

Then, when you get to the end of your sales conversation, you won’t have to deal with all the usual the knockbacks.

Doing business becomes a simple and smooth transition for both you and your new client.



I understand how hard it is for a new business owner not to take it personally when they come up against put-downs and insults from customers.

To them, their business is their baby.

However, you’ve got to train yourself not to be swayed by disapproval.

Stay strong and steadfast even when you come up against the rudest of shutdowns.

And you will.

You have to learn to let rejection roll off you like water off a duck’s back.

And never take NO for an answer.

Don’t ever let your prospect off the hook without justification.

Be inquisitive.

Dig deeper.

See if you can open things up … make room for negotiation.


Your first approach should be about getting to know your customer.

To judge if you are the person best positioned to help them meet their needs.

Listen closely to the answers your prospects give to your open-ended questions.

The better your questions, the more they will talk.

Stay in control and guide the conversation.

Search out a good reason for getting back to them.

A reason that’s good enough to continue the relationship.

At all times keep your focus on your customer and not on the outcome of the call.


Before you make your calls, do your research.

To boost your success rate, you do need to target the right prospects.

Put together the most targeted list of people to contact.

And make sure the person you speak with is the decision-maker.

You don’t want to waste your precious time chasing the wrong person or trying to reach people who don’t need what you’re selling.


Your preparation to make cold calls should be similar to that of an actor getting ready to go on stage.

You have to be focused, confident, and rehearse your lines until you know them back to front.

Pace your script, using a relaxed and pleasing tone of voice.

And I suggest you debrief yourself after each call.

Take note of the areas where you encounter resistance, so you can improve your skills.

When you close a deal ask yourself how you can leverage that success to source and close your next deal.


Once you get into the swing of things you will know when is the best time of day to make contact with your prospects.

The time they are most likely to answer the phone and speak with you.

Like most in the B2B space, I have found Monday mornings and Friday afternoons a definite no-no for the busy executive.

Calling mid-week early in the morning, around lunchtime or towards the end of the day works well for me.

Find out what works best for you.


It’s doubtful you will be looking to close a deal on your first outreach.

However, you will need to set the intention.

You will have to know how you intend to guide your prospect through their buying process.

And how to keep the door open to an ongoing and fulfilling relationship.

In summary …

No matter what the so-called experts say, you have to know that cold calling is NOT dead.

Done correctly, it can be highly effective.

Have you tried cold calling in the past and failed?

If so, you’re not alone.

Everybody hates cold calling, at least to begin with.

Like any sales skill, it takes time and practice to master.

And like everything, practice makes perfect.

If you found this article interesting, here’s another you might like to check out:  COLD CALLING TIPS