How do people perceive you and your business?


The way we behave and the way we speak, either intentionally or unintentionally, is how we will be perceived by others.

It is the key to marketing growth.

We need to act appropriately and with consistency and to choose carefully the words we use to describe ourselves, our businesses, and how we express our points of view.

Generally people are inclined to believe that perception is reliable and we want their perception of us to be based on “our truth”. 

Keep it short and sweet

Simplicity is empowering.

It prevents us from being misinterpreted by others.

People are not impressed by or think more highly of another because of their familiarity with industry jargon or their use of sophisticated words and expressions.

(More likely the opposite is true.)

Speaking simply and clearly is known to produce higher quality results.

Clarity always trumps complexity.

It is the key to marketing growth.

Never assume your audience “gets it”

“When you assume, you make an ASS out of U and ME”

It’s so easy for people to make assumptions.

We all make them, day in, day out.

All we need is incomplete information about a situation and an unwillingness to ask questions.

Make sure your audience understands precisely what you have to say.

Get confirmation from them that they fully appreciate what you tell them.

Don’t ever leave them to fill in the blanks themselves.

There should be no room for misinterpretation.

Clarity not only improves connection and engagement with others, it increases trust and transparency.

The key to convincing others to take action

If I asked you to tell me about your business, could you?

Could you describe to me in a sentence or two what it is you do in a way that I would instantly get it?

If you can, Go You, you’re among the elite!

I’m basing this on years of experience in helping clients identify their core offer in a way that concisely describes what they do.

You know messaging and positioning is everything.

It represents and reinforces your authority and your expertise.

It helps to decide your key target audience.

Your overall message doesn’t have to be the same throughout all your promotional materials but it should be consistent and accurate.

When your message is clear and concise clients and potential partners don’t have to waste their valuable time trying to decode what it is that you do. 

Because they get the picture.

And they can simply make a decision whether or not to purchase or to become a client.

If you found this article interesting, here’s another you might like to check out:  GET TESTIMONIALS THAT SELL!